OLS on the Web

Where should I look online to stay updated on happenings around OLS?

We use several key sites to communicate with our families:

  1. FastDirect: This site allows parents to send messages to faculty, staff, and other parents, enables teachers to communicate with parents both through e-mail and on classroom bulletin boards, and houses the weekly newsletter called the Blue Notes, which comes out every Thursday. Check out our full FastDirect tutorial for more details.
  2. School website: You’ll find loads of information about policies and procedures, curriculum guidelines, extracurricular opportunities, and much more on the school’s website.
  3. OLS blog: Take a virtual peek into our classrooms by viewing the school blog. Launched a couple years ago, the blog shows our school in action. From classroom projects to sacraments and extracurriculars to family groups, you can learn what it means to be an OLS student through the blog. Stay up-to-date by signing up for our blog e-mail list. You’ll get an e-mail every morning when new content is posted.
  4. Facebook: Like us on Facebook to see current photos, chat with other families and alumni, stay current with upcoming events, and spread the OLS spirit.

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